1. Login the DirectAdmin platform
Please refer to the account information provided by our customer service to login the DirectAdmin Platform. -
2. Click “E-Mail Accounts”
To create a forwarder, please go to Step 3A.
To change a forwarder, please go to Step 3B.
To delete a forwarder, please go to Step 3C.
3A. Create Forwarder
Click “Create new E-Mail Forwarder” -
3A.ii. Fill in Forwarder information
you can specify multiple email addresses in the "Destination Email" field if you wish:
You can also specify multiple entires in the "Forwarder Name" field:
This will simply add multiple forwarders.
3A.iii. Add Forwarder Completed
3B. Modify Forwarder
There is a “Modify” link on each Forwarder item, click it to modify a “Forwarder”. -
3B.ii. Modify Forwarder's details
Note: You can only edit the email account(s) of the forwarded emails. -
3B.iii. Update Forwarder Compteted
3B. Delete Forwarder
Select the Forwarder(s) that you wish to delete and then Click “Delete”.